About my compositions

I seriously started composing music in the winter of 1995. Since then I have composed 175 works. Some of these have been supported financially from, among others, Norwegian Culture Council, Norwegian Composers' Association, Composers' Remuneration Fund, Fund for Sound and Image. Several of my works have received international attention. My works have been performed in Norway, Lithuania, Leeds, Ireland, the USA, the Netherlands. Most of my works are printed at the National Library in Oslo. The work "Mefisto & Buzzo" is printed by Norsk Musikkforlag, where I also have a composer contract. I have also had 2 CDs of my own music released. These are "Mythologie" which came out in 2010, and "clarinet ultimatum" which came out in 2013. I became a member of the Norwegian Composers Association in October 2011.

Some of my compositions can be seen performed at; https://www.youtube.com/vigulfmusicproduct
or go to "Music Player" on this homepage.

Bibalo house: https://vestfoldfylke.no/no/aktuelt/musikalsk-magi-i-bibalos-hus/