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Some of the original members of the Disobedient Ensemble meets for the first time since 2012! This ensemble started Disobedient Festival in Nida(LT) in july 2005. Among the members; Mindaugas Backus(cello-LT - /Director for the festival since 2020), Rokas Zubovas(piano- LT - Director 2005-2020), Sonata Zuboviene(piano-LT), Roger Arve Vigulf (clarinet - Norway), Tom Collingwood(cello-UK), Stein Skjervold(Barytone-LT). Works by Charlie Chaplin, Olivier Messiaen, Balakauskas etc.

  • Date:03.07.2024 09:00 AM - 12.07.2024 08:00 PM
  • Location Pamario gatvė 37, Nida, Neringa Municipality, Lithuania (Map)